$v){ if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $v = stripslashes($v); $vars[$k]=trim($v); if((substr($k,0,2)=="r_") && ($vars[$k]=="")) $some_required_empty=1; } } else { $some_required_empty=1; } if($some_required_empty) $errors[]="Complete all required fields"; if(!preg_match("/^[.\w-]+@([\w-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$/",$vars["r_email"])) $errors[]="Correct your email address"; if(!count($errors)){ $msg_to_admin ="-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $msg_to_admin.="Message from the Catalyst Marketing Website for ".$vars["staffmember"]."\n"; $msg_to_admin.="-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; $msg_to_admin.="The following details were submitted through the Catalyst Marketing website:\n "; $msg_to_admin.=" Name: ".$vars["r_name"]."\n"; $msg_to_admin.=" Tel: ".$vars["r_telephone"]."\n"; $msg_to_admin.=" Email: ".$vars["r_email"]."\n"; $msg_to_admin.=" ------------------------------------------\n"; $msg_to_admin.="Appointment Details\n"; $msg_to_admin.=" ------------------------------------------\n"; $msg_to_admin.="Appoinment required for ".$vars["staffmember"]; $msg_to_admin.=" on ".$vars["date"]." ".$vars["month"]."\n"; $msg_to_admin.=" \n\nENDS"; mail("nick.cloke@catalystmarketing.co.uk", $vars["staffmember"]." - Catalyst Marketing Enquiry", "$msg_to_admin", "From: Catalyst Marketing "); //echo $msg_to_admin; header("Location: contact_thankyou.html"); //comment back in for production exit; } } ?> Catalyst Marketing - Contact


About Us


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About Our Location

Catalyst's office is near Oxford. We are 1.5 miles from Jctn 6 of the M40 in the direction of Chinnor. We are geographically perfectly positioned to ensure we can look after our clients whether in the North, Midlands, London or South.

The communication links are superb with both the M40 and A34 close by and fast train links into London from Haddenham & Thame Parkway.

The city is, of course, famously inspiring and so a great breeding ground for cutting edge thinking and innovation.

The area has a wealth of exciting venues to hold meetings, events, lunches and workshops.

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Please correct these errors

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  • "; echo "
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" method="get" >

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Ferndale House, High St, Kingston Blount, Chinnor, Oxfordshire, OX39 4SJ
Tel: +44 (0)1844 352210

e-mail: nick.cloke@catalystmarketing.co.uk

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