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Overview Insight Consultancy Developing People


Developing People

We’ve all experienced training courses delivered by long in the tooth trainers who are still drawing on anecdotes from 20 years ago. You come away from the day or the week wondering why you bothered and what , if anything, you got out of it At Catalyst, all our Developing People Inspirers are not only ex-clients, they are also still practising consultants and researchers so their experience and their anecdotes are fresh, live and bang up to date Catalyst provides a series of 12, intensive, one-day marketing training modules (both closed company and semi-open) as well as tailor-made courses and one-to-one coaching of senior marketers Our series of one day training modules range from the introductory ‘What is Marketing?’ and ‘Getting to Grips with Consumers’ to ‘Idea Generation & Picking Winners’ and ‘Advertising Role Reversal’ to the more advanced ‘Marketing Metrics’ and ‘Creating the Blueprint’ Nor do we just deliver the training and walk away. Following every training course or series we provide the client in an Action Clinic full feedback and review the strengths & weaknesses of the team recommending actions for future development of team membersClick here to see some of our one day training courses
